Minergie – Chile

Swiss Partners

Minergie Association, Basel
Andreas Meyer Primavesi

Project Type:

Pilot project


Energy efficiency



Project Status:


Project Start:


End of Project:




Swiss Contribution

Over the last 20 years, the Minergie certification standard has resulted in a great deal of specialized know-how and experience. The Swiss Minergie Association managed the project and was responsible for the creation of the Chilean Minergie organisation. Binz Energie an Bau Ltd. and EBP were involved with the technical aspects and provided Swiss expertise.


Chilean buildings generally have both low energy efficiency and high CO2 emissions. New technologies while not yet widespread in Chile are increasing. The Swiss building standard Minergie certifies new and renovated constructions. It guarantees a simple and efficient use of the energy ressources and is showing promising results in the Chilean context.


The standard was adapted to the Chilean context. A first residential building (see photo above) has been fully certified. Another much larger one has received pre-certification. The Chilean Minergie website has been up and running since the end of 2020 and further marketing activities are underway. Extension of the project to Mexico and Colombia are in process.


The certified building is heated by a heat pump which is partly powered by a photovoltaic installation. It generates about 13,000 kWh of renewable energy per year. This saves the equivalent of 12t of CO2 emissions per year, when compared to the standard electricity mix.