Swiss Partners
Roland Schlegel
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Swiss Contribution
ZENNA is a photovoltaic systems consulting firm with over 10 years of experience. A solar boat will be built and tested in collaboration with experts from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, Wolf Shipyard (boat builder) and the Walenstadt Water and Electricity Utility (WEW). Furthermore, ZENNA will be supported locally by AERO Solar and Cutting Edge.
There are thousands of traditional long-tail boats on Thailand’s waterways which are powered by old, polluting truck or car engines. This project’s aim is to provide the proof of concept for the operation of a solar-powered longtail boat, based on a traditionally constructed boat hull. In addition to its technical suitability, the boat’s economic operation shall also be demonstrated and a locally adapted financing and operating model shall be developed.
In cooperation with the various partners, the e-boat was planned and built. The aim was to build a robust and cost-optimised boat with a view to reliable and economical operation. The various functional tests and test runs were successful. After these, the boat was handed over to an operator and renter of boats in Ayutthaya to gain daily business experience.
The proof of technical concept was provided. With the support of the Swiss Embassy, among others, important contacts with relevant actors have been established. These include government agencies, private companies and investors. Government representatives from Bangkok, where smog pollution is very high, showed great interest. In the meantime, inquiries were received from Indonesia and Senegal for the construction of electric boats.