dss⁺ – Peru

Swiss Partners

dss⁺, Zurich
Hannes Zellweger

Project Type:

Pilot project


Resource efficiency



Project Status:


Project Start:


End of Project:




Swiss Contribution

dss⁺ has many years of experience in introducing technologies in developing and emerging countries. The pyrolysis technology for the recovery of agricultural organic waste is being optimized in Switzerland at the Center of Appropriate Technology and Social Ecology, “Ökozentrum Langenbruck”.


In Peru, coffee growers are under increasing pressure: declining productivity, soil depletion and unfavourable weather conditions for drying the crops are many challenges to be met. To address these issues, the company dss+ proposes to transfer the knowledge acquired during a previous project supported by REPIC (contract 2016.01). Through the technology of pyrolysis, the potential of large quantities of waste, including coffee pulp, can be exploited. The heat generated in the process allows coffee cherries to be dried more efficiently and the charcoal (biochar) produced from the biomass is an excellent fertiliser for soil remediation.


Cooperation with the national association of coffee producers APPCACAO/OROVERDE has made it possible to build a pilot plant adapted to local conditions. It is now operational and has enabled users to be trained in pyrolysis technology. Farmers now use charcoal effectively and are aware of its advantages. In particular, it drastically reduces the absorption of cadium in cocoa crops. In the future, the local manufacturer of the pyrolysis plant wants to continue to promote the technology and market the charcoal on a larger scale.


The basis for a nationwide expansion of the project has been laid. A total of 360 families benefit from the new installation and three jobs have been created. The plant has a capacity of 80kW and produces the equivalent of more than 76’000 kWh per year
