

The REPIC procedure comprises two phases: the outline and the proposal.


The project idea can be discussed with the REPIC Agency, which allows for a first evaluation without any commitment. This makes it possible to determine whether the request meets the REPIC platform’s requirements and whether any support is possible.

In the first phase, the applicant proposes his/her project in the form of a project outline. On the basis of the outline document, the REPIC Steering Group makes a decision concerning entering into the subject matter (or not entering into the subject matter) in relation to the project. A completed project outline can be sent to .

In the second phase, a project proposal must be submitted to the REPIC platform. The decision concerning the project’s financial support will be communicated to the applicant in writing. It will be substantiated and binding. The terms and conditions for REPIC’s support of the project will then be defined by a contract.

The answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) can be useful aides in order to prepare a good project definition.

Conditions and Criteria

The conditions and criteria that projects must meet in order to receive REPIC’s support are listed below. Corresponding explanations must be provided in full, at the proposal phase at the latest (they may be less detailed in the outline). Differences in the criteria and requirements of the REPIC Pilot and REPIC Rollout instruments are indicated. 

  • The target country must be a developing or transition country according to the OECD DAC list of ODA recipients.
  • The project must be in the field of renewable energies and/or energy efficiency and/or resource efficiency (waste, water and industrial processes).
  • The project must meet a local need. Local, direct beneficiaries must be clearly identified.
  • The REPIC project applicant must be a Swiss know-how carriers (companies, NGOs, institutes, etc.).
  • The transfer of Swiss know-how and technology must be ensured.
  • The project must have innovative content.
  • Market maturity:
    • Prerequisite for REPIC Pilot: The project must be in the pre-commercial phase (market-oriented pilot phase, concrete economic or technical proof of concept, no studies).
    • Prerequisite for REPIC Rollout: The project must be in an early commercial phase and has already successfully completed a prototype / pilot phase. 
  • The project must lead to a sustainable and economically viable solution in the medium term.
  • The project must include a clear strategy and approach for replication and multiplication after REPIC support ends.
  • Project management in both Switzerland and the target country must be relevant, effective, independent and sustainable.
  • The project’s objectives, activities and milestones must be clearly defined and measurable.
  • The budget must be easily understandable and adapted to the project.
  • Full and complete financing must be indicated. As a general rule, REPIC’s contribution will not exceed 50% of the project’s cost, nor the maximum amount of CHF 150000 for the REPIC Pilot or CHF 500000 for the REPIC Rollout.

Operational documents

The following documents are to be used for project submission and reporting during implementation.

  • Template Outline DE / FR / EN
  • Template Proposal DE / FR / EN
  • Template Intermediate DEFR / EN
  • Template Final Report DE / FR / EN
  • Template Financial Report DE / FR / EN

Refer to Project Submission for information about project development.

The submission deadlines for outlines and proposals are available in the section: Deadlines and fixed dates

If you cannot find an adequate response among the frequently asked questions (FAQs)please do contact the REPIC management agency.