Oekozentrum – Burkina Faso I

Swiss Partners

Ökozentrum Langenbruck, Langenbruck,
Akos Lukacs, Christian Huber

Project Type:

Feasibility Study


Energy efficiency


Burkina Faso

Project Status:


Project Start:


End of Project:





Swiss Contribution

Das Ökozentrum Langenbruck hat langjährige Erfahrung mit Projekten im Bereich nachhaltige Entwicklung und neuen Technologien in Entwicklungsländern.


The production of fruits and similar products are important economic factors for the rural population in tropical development and emerging countries. Drying is a well-known and simple possibility for food conservation.

In Burkina Faso, most of the fruit harvesting season is during the rainy season. Therefore, a complete continuous drying process with direct sunlight can’t be assured. Because of this, drying processes often are conducted in gas-fired drying ovens.

The aim of this feasibility study is to develop a fruit dryer on a heat pump basis, which is adapted to local conditions and can be reproduced on the ground, respectively to show its functional demonstration. A first prototype of a low-cost condensation dryer is constructed and tested in Switzerland before it will be employed in Burkina Faso, then is tested and optimized on-site. Partners on-site shall be trained for the reproduction of their own model. A knowledge-transfer regarding applied technology, reproduction, use and service shall occur. An evaluation of energy sources on a renewable basis for electricity for the fruit dryer shall be made. At the same time, an evaluation on organizations and companies for building-up a multiplicative production shall be carried out.