Swiss Partners
Nouvelle Planète, Lausanne,
Philippe Randin, Corseaux,
Philippe Meister
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Swiss Contribution
The Swiss company Nouvelle Planète, which has broad experience in combating rural exodus and environmental protection in poor countries, shall initiate this project. The project is supervised by Mizara, Nouvelle Planète’s partner group. Mizara’s speciality field is its range of rechargeable batteries.
New batteries and new battery charging stations shall be powered by a photovoltaic plant and electricity grid that is being built in the Malagasy community of Ankaranana. Disposable batteries can be replaced by rechargeable ones, thanks to these charging stations. Furthermore, generated power can also serve in lighting public places and hospitals. This project shall improve the community’s living conditions and so should in turn, help in preventing rural exodus. The project should also demonstrate the feasibility of an autonomous electricity network in a remote, rural region.