Swiss Partners
Mosan GmbH, Willisau
Mona Chirie Mijthab
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Swiss Contribution
Mosan GmbH was founded in 2016 and has been focusing on improving the sanitary situation in less developed regions ever since. Active in Guatemala since 2018, initial successes have already been realised by further developing the pyrolysis technology and researching the influence of biochar in agriculture together with various Swiss partners.
Guatemala is one of the poorest countries in Latin America and there is still a lack of access to safe sanitation and adequate treatment processes, especially in rural areas. With the establishment of the ‘Mosan Transformation Center’, the circular sanitation system is to be scaled up. This gives the local population access to ecological sanitation facilities (household toilets and public toilets). Furthermore, the excrement and sewage sludge are processed using pyrolysis to such an extent that they ultimately serve as valuable biofertilizer in agricultural fields.