Swiss Partners
Geelhaarconsulting GmbH, Bern,,
Michel Geelhaa
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Swiss Contribution
The Swiss partner has already been responsible at BHP Brugger and Partner Ltd., for feasibility studies in the Korean Export Processing Zone (KEPZ) and has close contacts with the KEPZ, as well as many years of experience in Bangladesh.
Based on two REPIC supported feasibility studies on renewable energy and energy efficiency potential in the Korean Export Processing Zone (KEPZ), opportunities and examples of sustainable industrialization in Bangladesh, shall be discussed during a one-day energy symposium in Bangladesh. As a result, an active knowledge transfer on renewable energy sources and energy efficiency potential in Bangladesh should take place in the presence of representatives from politics, administration, economy and society. Continued promotion of concrete initiatives and “best practices” for renewable energy and energy efficiency in the KEPZ shall be activated. Over the next 2-3 years, a new series of events and/or an energy discussion platform should be initiated together with a partner institution. The symposium shall be covered by media (newspapers/television).