Förderverein CEE – Bosnia-Herzegovina

Swiss Partners

Förderverein Centar za ekologiju i energiju (CEE) Tuzla, Basel,
Matthias Zimmermann

Project Type:

Pilot project


Resource efficiency


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project Status:


Project Start:


End of Project:




Swiss Contribution

The Swiss CEE Tuzla Association has many years of experience in the technical and financial support of projects in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency and resource efficiency in Eastern Europe. In recent years, the Association has established a close partnership and intensive exchanges of expertise with the local CEE Energy Center.


Up until now, no functioning separate/sorted waste collection with recycling could be established in Tuzla. This project’s main focus is on the solution to waste problems (waste separation/sorting, recycling, composting and recovery of residual waste).
As part of this project, a waste management and recycling concept for the city was developed in a first phase by an expert platform. In a second phase, a pilot recycling collection system (including decentralized composting) was launched and tested in the Kula District. Accompanying measures in the areas of thermal insulation in buildings and district heating were realized in cooperation with the city, as well. Following this REPIC project, the new waste/recycling project shall be multiplied in other city districts.


In 2017, the Expert Platform developed a waste and recycling concept for the city, which was approved by the City Council. Since June 2017, the pilot phase for waste separation and local composting has been running in the Kula district. The dry waste is sorted, processed and sold to the recycling circuit. A recycling center was put into operation where paper, glass, plastic and metals can be dropped off. All activities are carried out in close cooperation with the city of Tuzla.


The pilot phase has shown the suitability of the concept and further optimization potentials. At the end of 2018, two tons of waste were collected through the pilot project within 140 collection containers per month, then were separated and recycled as much as possible. Due to the great interest of other districts, the city has bought 700 more containers and has applied to the EU for an additional 6 400 containers. Other cities in the regions are already showing interest in the concept.