Förderverein CEE – Bosnia and Herzegovina

Swiss Partners

Förderverin Umwelt- und Energiezentrum Tuzla, Basel
Jürg Heldstab

Formation Centre, Polybau, Uzwil.

Local Partner

Zentrum für Umwelt und Energie (CEE)

Project Type:

Education and Quality Control




Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project Status:


Project Start:


End of Project:




Swiss Contribution

The Swiss Association for Development of the Ecology and Energy Centre Tuzla (CEE) is an experienced institution in the field of technical and financial support in Eastern Europe. The Polybau Education Centre offers a complete training program for energy professionals, from vocational education up to higher level professional training. The project partners have been working together for several years and guarantee a steady transfer of know-how and knowledge.


The project aims to complete the electrical engineering, building and insulation specialization training programs in two vocational schools in Tuzla. Innovative modules focusing on solar technologies will be provided to both teachers and students. Further training courses will also be offered.

Meanwhile, public relations work will be promoted with local authorities to encourage photovoltaic energy. The new energy law in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be inspired from the Swiss implementing regulations. In addition to a reinforced recognition of the professionals in the field, this approach will strengthen the institutional framework around the development of solar technologies (ie. Promoting solar panel fitting, encouraging power production buyouts, etc.).


Roof models were built and teachers trained at the two vocational schools involved, and teaching materials were translated into Bosnian. The new apprenticeship “Installer for photovoltaics and electronics” was recognised by the Ministry of Education. In addition, an information and exchange platform was set up for the stakeholders involved and a comprehensive media campaign was launched.
