Swiss Partners
Fastenaktion, Lucerne
David Knecht
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Swiss Contribution
The Swiss NGO Fastenaktion has proven expertise in developing and accompanying community owned financial structures, an important element of its interventions in 14 countries since the 1990s.
For rural farming communities, the instability of electrical energy has become a bottleneck in the implementation of new technology necessary for production, conservation and food processing. The project seeks to prove that a community-centred development approach using energy as a driver of change improves living conditions. This will be implemented in three Colombian indigenous territories: Palma Alta, Hilarquito and Tamirco, belonging to the Pijao people. Selected solar energy solutions (cooling, incubator, water pumping and electric fences) linked to productive processes will be installed as pilot projects. In parallel, local capacities for the administration and maintenance of these energy services will be built. Based on these experiences, it is planned to develop integrated and inclusive business models for clean energy services. A linkage will be done with an adapted version of an already existing community-owned micro-finance structure (fondo rotatorio) allowing scaling-up and replication at regional levels with a special focus on youth and women.
All planned applications such as solar water pumps, cooling, incubators for eggs, food processing and electric pasture fences were built and put into operation. 12 community energy managers have been trained and 15 new jobs were created as part of the project.
The project benefits 1,450 people and two additional solar power projects have already been realised via the “Fondo Rotatorio Focost” revolving fund. In collaboration with local, departmental and national institutions, further efforts are being made to increase the promotion of municipal energy systems.