2024 – Bern

Annual REPIC Event

20 Years of Successful Projects in the
International Cooperation!


Session 1: Development Cooperation Over the Years

  • Opening Welcome
    (H. Budliger Artieda, SECO) 
  • REPIC in the Landscape of Promotion Instruments
    (A. Fasel & D. Lenzin, REPIC Management Agency)
  • 20 Years of REPIC: A Success Story to be Continued (round table)
    (C. Frutiger, SDC| P. Roch, FOEN| S. Denzler, SECO | S. Nowak, REPIC Management Agency)

Session 2: Marketplace of the Promotion Instruments

Session 3: What are Ongoing REPIC Projects  Realising?