EBP_BM – Chile

Swiss Partners

EBP Schweiz AG, Zollikon
www.ebp.ch / www.ebpchile.cl
Roger Walter

Project Type:

Pilot project





Project Status:


Project Start:


End of Project:




Swiss Contribution

EBP Schweiz AG has proven long-term experience in the renewable energy and energy efficiency fields within the building sector. EBP Chile is linked very closely with major local stakeholders from industry and national authorities. Further experienced Swiss project partners are: Dr. Eicher Consulting GmbH, Belmont Energie Raum GmbH and INES Energieplanung GmbH.


Most buildings are heated with wood in southern Chile’s cities. A large amount of poor quality firewood with high moisture content is burned in inefficient wood-burning plants. This results in massive air pollution.

Due to the growing use of fossil fuels for heat production, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are greatly increasing. One of the key solutions in improving this situation is the operation of district heating systems based on renewable energies. This project includes the elaboration of a handbook, outlining the different processes in detail; from the concept to the commissioning of district heating systems.


The economic and technical feasibility of district heating to supply twelve buildings on the campus of the University of Valdivia has been demonstrated. The district heating manual was published in collaboration with various ministries and organisations. The tender for the realisation of the district heating could not be launched, and resulted in the adaptation of the project. The focus is now on district heating in the city of Talca, in collaboration with the newly established Oficina Nacional de Energía Distrital (ONED) and the GEF loan programme “Acelerando la Inversión en Sistemas de Energía Distrital Eficientes y Renovables”. In 2022, the technical, legal and environmental basis was developed with the relevant stakeholders and the project was submitted to the GEF programme.


The project has qualified for the 2nd round of the GEF programme and a corresponding application has been submitted. There is a realistic chance of significant project support. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Energy, the legal framework for heating networks is being adapted. The manual for heating networks is now also used by the Ministry of Sustainable Development in Colombia, as a basis for activities in this field.