Swiss Partners
Linda Strande
Local Partner
GOAL Sierra Leone
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Swiss Contribution
Eawag is one of the world’s leading aquatic research institutes. Eawag’s research group Management of Excreta, Wastewater, and Sludge (MEWS) addresses solutions for city-wide inclusive sanitation through research and development, design and optimization of treatment technologies, development of analytical and monitoring methods, training and reference materials.
The local partner GOAL began working in Sierra Leone in 1999 and implemented in 2021 the first fecal sludge treatment plant (FSTP) in Freetown.
Eawag has tested and piloted a low-energy, low-footprint technology that could be produced locally. It includes a bio-based binding agent, low-cost sensors for it’s dosage and a manually operated dewatering press. Through the pilot-implementation, the project will develop the required knowledge to scale-up this dewatering solution in Sierra Leone.