CDE – Chile

Swiss Partners

University of Bern, CDE – Centre for Development and Environment,,
Stephan Rist

Project Type:

Pilot project





Project Status:


Project Start:


End of Project:




Swiss Contribution

The Swiss project partners included the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Mountain Development (all University of Bern), park managers from the UNESCO world heritage site “Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch” (SAJA), the World Nature Forum in Naters (VS), the Energy Region Goms and EBP Swiss. These actors have a broad experience in sustainable governance of protected areas.


The general achievement of the project concerned the establishment of the first protected area that is 100% energetically self-sustaining in Chile. The project included the creation of a local governance model for the park that ensures its sustainability in time, the design and construction of sustainable shelters for visitors, the retrofitting of existing infrastructure to suit the needs of a sustainable park, as well as the creation of a strong bond with the local schools and universities. The implementation of information available for visitors via web and mobile apps, the creation of a sustainable mobility program, and a strong marketing and communication strategy to bring visitors interested in zero emission tourism were also part of the project.


Additionally in this project, the information and training centre was renovated. A showcase was created with the construction of the small pilot building “Casa Muestra”, which consumes 86% less energy than a typical house in the city of Coyhaique. Training materials were produced and pilot courses on environmental issues were held at the “Baquedano” public school in Coyhaique, as well as courses being conducted on energy-efficient and environmentally friendly construction for building professionals. The Agrupacion Amigos association from the Reserva Coyhaique was also founded for the nature park’s management.


This project met with great interest. The National Forest Corporation CONAF adopted standards, which were developed in the project, within its Terms of Reference for a further six infrastructure projects. The city of Coyhaique has moreover increased its communication and efforts to improve energy efficiency in the city area.
