Swiss Partners
Caritas Schweiz, Luzern,,
Monique Frey, Erich Ruppen
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Swiss Contribution
Caritas Switzerland has been working in Bosnia-Herzegovina since 1992. Initially activities were mainly focused on emergency assistance; later, also on the repatriation grant and the reconstruction. This project is also a result of the local architects’ network and the reconstruction.
10 buildings have been renovated in the frame of pre-project. The ongoing REPIC pilot and demonstration project aims to initiate a 500-building program. This shall be achieved through public awareness, expert recruitment and methodology confirmation and improvement. Therefore, another 50 house owners should start an energetic retrofitting of their houses in the summer 2010. The goal is to launch a building retrofit program with local professionals in 2011 and continue for several years. This program shall also include infrastructure, training of professionals, planning and construction build-up capacities, construction supervision, quality control, credit initiation and CO2 transfer. A part of the retrofitting building and the program costs shall be financed by CO2 compensation.